Monday, August 17, 2009

Child safety everyone's concern

International K-9 Search and Rescue Services
Office of Emergency Management
P.O. Box# 1472 Longview, Wa. 98632
Office: 360-414-8093
Mobile (503) 705-0258.
Help Us Find You Safety Program Child ID Kit.

Children disappear each and every day. Some by parental kidnappings, others through stranger kidnappings. Last year we received over 750 calls for assistance. It’s your responsibility as a parent to help those of us in Law Enforcement and or Search and Rescue to identify your child before they disappear.

Make three copies of this information. One goes with the mom. One goes with the dad. One goes with the grandparents.

When my son was growing up, I updated this information each and every year and scanned the information onto a portable USB drive so when I traveled I had the fingerprints and other important data on file.

Help Us Find You Child Safety programs can save your child’s life. It’s up to you to make the difference by being a SMART parent and having your child identified before the need arises.
Thank You

Director of Search and Rescue Child Safety Programs for I.K.9.S.A.R.S.
Mr. Harry E. Oakes Jr.

Child's Name:_____________________________________________________
First Middle Last.
Height:__________________ Weight:__________________

Hair Color:________________.

Eye Color:________________. Eye Sight

(Uncorrected left Uncorrected right)

Shoe Size:____________________.
Child’s physical Identifiers:_________________________________________
(Birth Marks, Surgical Scars, Piercing, Physical identifiers)

Name of Dentist:______________________________________________.

Dentist Telephone:_________________________________________.
(Area Code) Telephone

Dentist Address: _____________________________________________________________.

Child's Passport ID#:________________________________.

Issued:__________. Expires:___________.

Recent Photo Side Profile Photo

Full Face Photo. (Pull Hair aside to show Child's ear).

Fingerprinting instructions.
1). Get an stamp inkpad.
2). Wash the child's hands and dry them.
3). Ink up the child's fingers. One at a time.
4). Put the child's fingerprints on the first piece of paper. This gets rid of most of the ink not needed for the print. Go to fingerprint sheet and ROLL the child's fingerprint from left to right. (Make sure the loops, arches, and whirls) are readable not smudged. Practice a few times on regular paper before actually printing the child.

5). List Child's Blood Type.__________.
6). Race:___________________.
7). Collect a sample of child's hair. Take a clean brush or comb, comb the child's hair and collect 10 strands of hair, place the hair inside a clean dry paper envelope. Put the Child’s name, the date collected on the outside of the envelope.
8). Collect the Child’s fingernail clippings and place them inside a clean dry paper envelope. Put the Child’s name, the date collected on the outside of the envelope.
9). Take a cotton swab and swab the child's mouth for approximately 10 seconds. Put swab inside a clean dry envelope and seal the envelope. Put the Child’s name, the date collected on the outside of the envelope.

Parent information.
Mother:_________________________________________________________ (First Middle Last Maiden - Married Name).
Date of Birth __________________________. Age:_______________.
Home Telephone#________________________ WK#___________________________
Cellular_______________________________. Race:_____________.
Home Address:_______________________________________________________
Work address:_______________________________________________________
Email address:________________________________________
(First Middle Last)
Date of Birth_______________________. Age:_______________.
Home Telephone#______________________ WK#_________________________
Cellular__________________________________. Race:______________.
Home Address:________________________________________________________Work address:______________________________________________________
Email address:__________________________.
Here are our search guidelines when we look for a missing person.
This is what helps us find missing persons when no one else can or will.
Friends and or family of the missing person should immediately call the police; # 9-1-1 if it's a child or endangered adult situation. Don't wait 24 hours, call immediately. Time is of the essence.

Register the missing person with N.C.I.C.
Assign a department case #.
Obtain missing persons profile.
Search the PLS (Point Last Seen) for any clues.
Investigate the Who, What, When, Why, Where, and How questions regarding the person’s disappearance.
Interview all witnesses, suspects, form a chronological history of the missing persons where about’s and activities. If you develop a valid suspect, polygraph them.

*If it involves a missing child, please alert all local and national missing children locate centers.

Rule out Willful disappearance, Homicide, Suicide, Accidental death.

*SEARCH DUMPSTERS, LANDFILLS, AREAS WHERE SOMEONE WOULD DUMP A BODY, Water sources, creeks, parks, alleyways, cliffs, ponds, lakes, and rivers. Rural roads. Generally within 10 miles of the PLS. Develop a search plan. Areas of POA's. (Probability of Areas). Areas of POD's (Probability of Detection).

As of 1996, there were 171 registered search dog teams in the USA and Canada. Contact your local department of emergency management, within your jurisdiction, for the most qualified search dog teams. Don't rely on your police tracking dogs.

Most are "bad guy chasers" and unless they are trained, tested, and documented, as having tracked OLD scent, you're actually putting your department at risk to a lawsuit if you use them and miss the victim. It doesn't hurt to try, but document the handler’s findings, and then bring in dog teams who are trained to follow old scent.

Immediately gather good scent articles. NEVER let a family member or a friend of the family, hand your officer the scent articles. Only the officer or dog handler should collect these items. Note chain of custody of the scent items in your report/notebook. The officer who does this properly, will be a hero to the dog handlers. Take a NON SMOKING Officer / handler, he / she goes to the residence of the missing person. Put on a pair of rubber gloves and bring 2 clean paper sacks and one large plastic bag FOR EACH item to be collected.

The officer, while wearing rubber gloves, collects non-washed clothing, shoes, pillows, hairbrush, and bed sheets of missing person. Places them individually inside separate paper sacks. Closes paper sacks. Places the paper sack inside another paper sack. Closes paper sack. Places these sacks inside plastic bag and seals bag shut. Never put scent items directly into plastic bags. The plastic bag can destroy scent.

REMEMBER: If you're not happy with the search results of one specific dog team, you can always call in another. We've often found the victim, or clues that lead to the victim, when other dog teams, including bloodhounds, couldn't find them.

Vehicles: Check (RO). Registered operators, note odometer readings. Search car and trunk, noting tire patterns, plant, dirt, mud types in, under, around vehicle. Search closed compartments , if possible, trunks, and glove compartment. Inspect all materials found inside the vehicle. Credit card receipts, notes, trash, cash register receipts. Video record all data if possible. Process for forensic evidence.

Telephone records for last 30 days. Including calling cards, cellular telephones, etc. Outgoing & Incoming.

Homes: Garbage’s, sheds, crawl spaces, attics, personal computers, diaries, notebooks, journals, etc. Check alarm-monitoring stations for detailed records of times alarms/doors were detected open, closed, or set.

Bank Accounts: Any activity on the ATM's? Have bank pull all camera tapes. Pull bank records for last 30 days of all checking’s, savings, other money accounts. Check on computer for "HIDDEN ACCOUNTS".

Offices: Interview fellow employees. Search garbage cans, appointment notebook, computer files. Check "Trash Bin" and deleted files as well as all old and new emails. Check alarm-monitoring stations for detailed records of times alarms/doors were detected open, closed, or set.

Schools: Interview friends, teachers, councilors, and security officials. Review security camera tapes, files. Search lockers, areas of interests.

Develop a press/media release in writing. Give description of what your agency has found out in its investigation. (Limit information on a need to know basis). Ask for the publics help. Set up a call in hotlines, etc.

STORES / RESTAURANTS: Check to see if you can post fliers there. Also check to see if they have security cameras that might have victim on camera at the time of his/her disappearance.

Note for families.
For whatever the reasons, usually most law enforcement agencies, will do only a limited work up on the case. Minimal at best. This is do to many factors, limited manpower, budgets, and other reasons we won't discuss at this time.

If the local police department refuses to do any of this, or if the family of the victim(s) aren't happy with what Law Enforcement has done, then they need to take charge of the search efforts and the investigation and hire a private experienced Search Coordinator, or Private Investigator, to perform each of these tasks. The family MUST CHECK REFERENCES on who they bring in to help in their search efforts. Before you put someone in a position of trust.

Document everything. WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHY, WHERE, and HOW. Remember the courts usually won't recognize any activity or action, unless it was documented. Set up a private search committee.

Gives out specific information related to the search efforts/investigation. Fund raising efforts and support information. Must keep a written file on each and every public information release.
Newspapers, TV, Radio, etc. List of contacts, names, email addresses, fax #, pager #, cell phone #, etc.
K-103 Office 222-5103/ Listener 733-5103.
KATU CH#2 2153 NE Sandy 231-4222/News231-4260 Fax: 231-4263

Logistics. Brings in office supplies, tape recorders, computers, telephones, radios, portable bathrooms, foods, maps, flagging, notebooks, and all other equipment needed for the search efforts.

Legal: An attorney should help the search committee: set up a general release waiver form for all volunteer participants. All team members should sign in and out, issue a written report of their search areas, and a written report of their findings. Anything found should be reported, documented, and turned over to the search coordinator or local law enforcement representative on scene.

NOTE: Everyone is to be instructed that (should they find anything they feel is relevant to the case, they are not to touch anything. Freeze the scene and call the police).

Planning. Maps. Documents all information on a map. Date/time, location searched and findings.

Search Coordinator. Coordinates all search efforts of dog teams, private ground searchers, aircraft, boats, ground vehicles. Example: Search & Rescue Date Times Results: Sign Contracts, interview Family, get family organized with 3-ring booklet, and obtain Missing Persons Profile.
Search room, garbage, locker, and office, computer files. Obtain Scent articles. Tape recorder/phone jack. Telephone Trap. Police Report, Meeting with NMCLC Investigator. Issue receipts for payments / deposits, Perform initial track, diagrams, reports, interview friends. Interview co-workers, neighbors, and relatives. Track down each and every lead.

EXAMPLE OF Search Committee's Check off Sheet. Date name, contact police, National Missing Children's Locate Center.

International K-9 Search & Rescue Services. Harry Oakes Jr. P.O. Box#1472, Longview, Washington 98632

Koin TV
Komo News

Taxi Services.
Kids hangouts
Work leads.
Final Reports.
Letter of Reference from Family.
Debrief Teams.

Counseling: A local pastor or councilor should be on hand for support should the outcome be a grim one.

Secretary. He/she should document everything. Meetings, minutes, search reports, media releases, etc. Recommend a tape recording and written documentation of all.

Fund Raising. Raises funds, documents all monies into a specified account assigned for the search effort. All Cash flow coming in and going out. Contacting your local bank or IRS office can do setting up a 501C-3. Search Committee $ In Document Sheet Account Date $IN Received By Deposit Date Receipt Issued Balance.

Treasurer: Expense Report Sheet Example: $ OUT Document Sheet. Date Telephone Equipment Printing Postage Legal Search & Rescue Fuel, Meals, Other Comments.

This journal is for legal purposes. Make sure you document in writing, who, what, when, why, Where, & how information.

7/31/97 Called Clackamas County Sheriff's office and talked with Deputy Smith # Obtained Case# 97-9007. NCIC# M3N56NH565656.

7/31/97 Called Telephone Company Security at (503) 555-5555 and talked with Mr. Tom Brown.

0945Hrs. Obtained Telephone Trap and requested telephone records from 06-10-97 to current on all out going / in coming telephone calls.

7/31/97 called the National Missing Children's Locate Center and obtained contract services 0945Hrs. obtained photographs for the Internet. Talked with K. W Investigator 257-1308. Met with her in person. What a fantastic service and person.

7/31/97 Called International K-9 Search and Rescue Services. 360-414-8093. Talked with Search Coordinator Mr. Harry E. Oakes Jr. reference the use of search dogs for our search efforts. Set up contracts, file systems, search systems, personal and legal journals. Caller ID and Tape recorder for home telephone. Page# Contact Date Time Notes: etc...

Written by Search and Rescue Coordinator, Mr. Harry E. Oakes Jr. who has documented 36 years overall experience in Search and Rescue, around the world. Mr. Oakes has documented over 7,500 missions around the world and is the most successful search and rescue K-9 handler in the USA.

Mr. Oakes has also written 4 books regarding Search and Rescue. "Help Us Find You" Coloring book for children. Teaches parents and children what to do if the child becomes lost and how the child can survive until search teams or family members find them.

"A Call to Duty". A story about Search and Rescue through the search dogs eyes.

"Scent Evidence". The use of scent as evidence to determine what happened and often who did it.

“Forensic Scent Evidence” Teaches Law Enforcement and the D.A.’s offices how to use scent as evidence in a court of law.

More questions? Please contact us at :

Please pass on our web site to anyone you know who has kids or pets.
Thank You

Mr. Oakes
Other stories about Harry and his search dogs.

Claudia Kirchoch search in Jamaica.



Dog Obedience

Oregon City 2002 Ward Weaver Murder cases of Ashley Pond/ Miranda Gaddis

Dog Rescue efforts

Cat searches

Other info re: Dogs

Jackie (A child kidnap murder case)

Search dog Yogi

SAR Dog Links

Search Dog Valorie Oakes

I.K.9.S.A.R.S. Harry’s Yahoo 360 blog re SAR.

Photos of Harry’s search dog teams in action.

Before your child comes up missing, identify them. If a child is missing, send us the information. We search for missing children and adults.

Write us at and we’ll send you our free child id kit.

If you hear of anyone who needs our service for a missing person or lost pet, please feel free to pass on our web site info.
Visit our web site for more information.

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